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The National ATM Council, Inc. Announces Board Officers & Directors for 2024-27 Term

JACKSONVILLE, FL, February 12, 2024 - The National ATM Council, Inc. (NAC), the leading U.S. trade association representing America’s independent ATM providers and suppliers, has announced the recent election and appointment of NAC’s new Board of Directors and Board Officers for a 2024-2027 term of service.

The new NAC Board was elected by NAC's membership at the recent NAC2023 Conference & Expo held at Planet Hollywood–Las Vegas on October 25th, 2023. New Board Officers were appointed subsequently by the Board pursuant to the Association’s Bylaws. All Director and Officer positions are effective as of January 1, 2024.

The newly-elected NAC Board Members represent the organization's tradition of maintaining a diverse and broad-based group of highly qualified and well-regarded U.S. Independent ATM Operators, ISOs, and Vendors to guide the organization.

These are the ATM industry leaders who are voluntarily contributing their valuable skills, time, and resources to serve as the 2024-2027 NAC Board of Directors: 

  • Chair: Patrick Conner (President,

  • Vice-Chair: Ed Cramer (President, Cash on the Spot LLC / Pro-Solv Solutions LLC)

  • Secretary: Mike Powell (Founder, First Regents Bancservices, LLC)

  • Treasurer: Barbara Montopoli (President, Eastern ATM, Inc.)

  • Chair Ex-Officio: George Sarantopoulos (CEO, Access One Solutions)

  • Bryan Bauer (GM ISO Processing, Kahuna ATM Solutions / NCR Atleos)

  • Jim Cabe (Partner, Turnkey ATM Solutions, LLC)

  • Greg Chiasson (Director, ATM’s of the South / ATM Bankcard Services, Inc.)

  • Mark Cumming (Manager, ATM Merchant Services, Inc.)

  • Cooper Frandsen (EVP, NextATM)

  • Maya Fuentes (SVP M&A Business Development, Paramount Management Group, LLC)

  • Scot Gardner (President, 901 Financial Services, LLC)

  • Brian Haynes (SVP Market Partner, PAI / Brinks)

  • Joseph Lee (President, Technovation Data, Inc. (TDI))

  • Yonas Marcos (Founder and CEO, Star Financial Services, Inc.)

  • Curt Selman (President, Selman Telecommunications Investment Group, LLC)

  • Philip Webb (President, PDQ Merchant Enterprises Inc.)

"NAC is truly fortunate to have this highly talented and dedicated group of leading retail ATM industry professionals serve as NAC’s Board of Directors during this upcoming critical three-year period for our industry", said NAC Executive Director, Bruce Renard. "The 2024-27 NAC Board Officers and Directors are all successful veteran ATM entrepreneurs whose collective industry knowledge, vision, and business acumen will ensure that NAC maintains the best strategic thinking and leadership for our dynamic and unique industry sector."

Newly appointed NAC Board Treasurer, Barbara Montopoli, President of New England based Eastern ATM, Inc., commented, "It is a true honor and privilege to become NAC’s Treasurer, allowing me to oversee these vital resources on behalf of my fellow ATM deployers throughout the United States, as we continue NAC's diligent work to protect and improve the operating environment for all our ATM businesses."

"On behalf of NAC and our entire industry, I also offer our sincerest thanks and appreciation to outgoing NAC Treasurer, Greg Chiasson. Greg has done an amazing job of managing and marshaling NAC’s limited financial resources to achieve key industry goals and a continued healthy growth curve for the Association over many years. NAC is most thankful Greg has agreed to continue serving on the NAC Board and NAC Conference Committee, thereby ensuring his vast institutional and industry knowledge remains available for NAC going forward."

Key 2024 advocacy initiatives for NAC include a continued major focus on addressing the current national crimewave against independent ATMs through enactment of bipartisan national legislation, The Safe Access to Cash Act, introduced in Congress by Congressmen John Rose (R-TN) and Glenn Ivey (D-MD). The Safe Access To Cash Act clarifies existing federal bank robbery law to include independent bank-sponsored ATMs, thereby protecting those who own, operate, use, service, and load these essential cash access points to the same degree bank-owned ATMs now have full federal law enforcement protections.

On this same front, NAC is poised to roll out its newly-created U.S. ATM Crime Fighter Database, a valuable information resource designed to assist independent ATM Operators and law enforcement nationwide in more effectively tracking, predicting, and preventing criminal attacks involving retail ATMs.

NAC’s ongoing advocacy efforts in DC and at the grassroots will also focus in 2024 upon continued pursuit of reasonable access to essential banking services for U.S. ATM deployers, securing passage of local/state/federal laws to preserve universal cash acceptance at retail, and obtaining relief in NAC's federal class action antitrust litigation seeking to overturn global card network rules claimed to entail anticompetitive price fixing. 



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